Hi, I am Jacqueline

About me

Visionary, trainer for manifestation & vocation

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Jacqueline’s vision here on earth is to bring millions of people back into connection with their own hearts and higher, divine consciousness. It dreams of a life of wealth at all levels for all people.

Reconnecting to one’s intuition, connecting to the divine source and activating the pineal gland is Jacqueline’s top priority.

Jacqueline Le Saunier's Soul Path of This Life


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

I am born in Vienna in the Divine Savior. Austrian, German and French blood flows in me. I grow up in Germany and Austria. My father works as a pastry chef, my mother is an actress. Relocations shaped my life from an early age. As an only child, I get a lot of attention, but I am also often alone. Already as a child I am very clairvoyant and clairsentient.


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

Even in my school days, I successfully took part in many theater productions and a TV series and created my own money. That’s why it was clear to me early on that this was the path I would take after school. At the age of 21, after 15 unsuccessful auditions at various acting universities in the DACH region, where I was usually eliminated in the final round, I was finally accepted at the most prestigious of them, the HFS Ernst Busch Berlin, as one of 20 out of 1000 applicants. I move from Vienna to Berlin and study acting there for four years. The time there is very intense and I lose myself in the process, which ends in an eating disorder. Finally, I rededicate myself to my soul and spirituality, begin to meditate and reconnect with my healing powers.


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

Back in Germany I perform in some productions at bigger theaters and in film and television.  Although I enjoy it a lot, the superficialities and neuroses of the industry soon become too much for me. During this time, I am deeply fulfilled by the films I make, spiritual seminars, teachings and further education.


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

I met my current partner on an Internet platform in the summer of 2014. We skype and meet for the first time after three weeks at the “Forum Erleuchtung” in Berlin (the picture shows us at our first meeting), from where we go directly to a spiritual festival. Four months later I am pregnant.


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

My first book “Intuition – Your Power Tool” is published by Allegria Verlag. It is a great success. I give seminars on intuition and vocation in the DACH-area and my business makes a huge leap in visibility and success.


Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

During the C time my dream business becomes more and more successful and blossoms more and more in abundance, because I can help many people to find their inner truth and to get through this crazy time. My course “Outpfung” – support and self-healing in relation to the ..mpfung goes online. There is another addition to our Tiny house: Lotta, a stray puppy from Hungary.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


For 10 years I attend a strict Catholic private school. Over 6 years in an all-girls class taught by nuns. This period strongly shapes my understanding of manipulation by institutions.
At the age of 14 I do a Reiki training. In the initiations my perception expands. I read the books in my mom’s bookcase: angel books, Celestine, books about aliens and the then forbidden “Secret Societies” by Jan Van Helsing.
At the age of 16, I drop out of school. As a result, I switch to a very free school – the other extreme. At the age of 17, I graduated from high school there.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


At the end of my studies, I move to New York. I turn down a permanent engagement at a larger theater because I don’t want to go back to an institution. I want to experience something. New York is absolute dream time for me. I finance myself with modeling jobs, German “Sex & The City” film tours to the locations of the series, shooting days for small film productions and roles on German Off-Off Broadway. I also get to know the darker side: The so-called “occupation couch,” which I always renounce. A big Hollywood agent comes to my attention, but suddenly dies unexpectedly before we can sign the contract.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


My first daughter is born in the birth center in Munich. I’m starting to change my diet from vegetarian to vegan, including a year of completely raw vegan. My online business is created under the name “MyHealthyspirit”, as well as my YouTube channel “Seelenvision”, in which I initially talk more about healthy eating and happy living. I give my first readings and healing sessions and get rapid attention in the spiritual scene. My vision and expanded worldview continue to change and evolve. When my daughter is 2 years old, I separate from her father and move to Vienna.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


In 2015 my second daughter is born in the birth center.  After four months of pure baby break I am doing an intensive training as a medium. In the beginning, my daughter is with me with a babysitter in the  seminar center. At the end of 2016 there is a re-branding of my online business to “Soul Vision”. At that time I live in Baden-Baden. We are moving to Austria in early 2018.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


A dream has come true: We had a Tiny House built. It is a house in the shape of a T and consists of 2 cars. It is brought from Germany to Austria by heavy transport and placed there on stilts because the property is located in a flood zone. I designed the house so that all 4 of us have our own little room. We live in it for 15 months until the inner “call” comes to emigrate. This year I am also taking a trip to my soul home, Hawaii. I give my first talk as a speaker in front of over 1000 people.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier


I follow the clear mandate of my higher self and emigrate to Nicaragua, Central America. A crazy decision from the outside looking in, since we haven’t lived in the Tiny Haus long and just finished building it. But God, the source, guides us. However, the road is not an easy one. I may go through a lot of physical processes at the end of 2022 and allow myself more rest. Nevertheless, my other heart baby is born, my online course “Awaken your Intuition” produced for 2 years goes online.

Rotes Dreieck zeigt nach rechts auf die Jahreszahl der Chronik von Jacqueline Le Saunier

2023 +

A new book is in manifestation, my sales are in abundance, I wake up every day with an ocean view, learning new things like guitar, Spanish and surfing. Rebranding my business to jacquelinelesaunier.com. I do what I love: reminding people of the beauty and richness of their lives. And I remind myself of that every day.

Many more visions & dreams are in the process of manifestation …

I live in pure ecstasy! What I do fulfills me so much. An infinitely great gift for which I am deeply grateful.

I am so infinitely grateful that my potentials and joy of life give this world such great added value. I give online and offline seminars internationally on intuition and higher consciousness, manifestation and vocation. With my large YouTube channel, I inspire hundreds of thousands of people every month. My community grows daily and there are always new exciting projects and collaborations with wonderful people.
I am happy to be available as a speaker at your event and am always open to new, lively collaborations. Contact

My team and I would be delighted to hear from you at:

Thank you for my life!

My trainings:

  • 39 years of training through many life experiences
  • Teachings through intensive conversations with God and shamanic ceremonies
  • Several years of training as a medium
  • Spirit healing training
  • Akasha Chronicle Training
  • Various further trainings in trance healing, otherworldly contacts, energetic healing, NLP, telepathy, coaching, remote viewing
  • Business Mindset Training
  • 4 years of acting studies
  • Speaker & Rhetoric Seminar
  • Synchronization & Voiceover Training
  • and much more ...

10 things you didn't know about me:

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My favorite food are

Summer rolls and Pho soup

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I once got DHL to do after work

to set up their own camp,

to get out a package for me that I desperately needed.

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In New York I

Sex & The City Tours

directed to be able to pay my rent and food.

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I had 3 abortions in my life, 3 miscarriages and 2 wonderful daughters incarnated here. So I am 8 times


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As a child at about 5 years old, I had a

Near-death experience.

I almost drowned. I jumped into a pool and forgot I couldn’t swim.

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I am a very ecstatic person and love it, in all facets, Dear

to make and express.

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I started smoking when I was 16, but I was always able to stop week by week and month by month because I always had my

Power of thought

was strong. With the positive pregnancy test of my first daughter I have abruptly quit smoking for good.

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The most poignant moment in my life was when I was in Hawaii right next to free-ranging

Dolphins and a humpback whale

I swam.

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My heart beats for Hawaii

and the dolphins and whales that live there. I have been there 4 times and feel strongly that I will live there someday when the time is right.

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I have 12 years Piano lessons

and gave concerts as a teenager, playing sonatas by Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin. According to my teacher, I could have made a career as a pianist. But the pressure was too much for me, so I turned it down.

Goldener Trennstrich

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