Trust your Intuition

Recognize your life vision

and give yourself over to this wonderful life

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by Jacqueline Le Saunier:

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Why am I on this earth? To live in ecstasy and fulfillment and remind people of it again. My vision of life in this world is to show you how to access your divine source, your inner intuitive abilities, in order to lead you into your full power and self-empowerment. Every person may live a successful, authentic and self-determined life with ease.


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Intuition is your deep, inner wisdom. An unmistakable guide that always shows you what is right for you. Learn here how to distinguish your intuition from your thoughts and use it correctly to get the best messages for you at all times.


Your vision, your calling fulfills you deeply from within. You know what you get up for each day and live your life in abundance, ecstasy and deep gratitude. Read here how to find your calling, what your life’s purpose is and what exactly your soul plan entails.

*Coming soon


As a spiritual being you create your own reality in each moment. Here, I will explain to you step by step the obstacles standing in the way of realising your dreams and how you too can now create a life in abundance on all levels.

*Coming soon

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Special & self created card deck

Intuition oracle

Your decision companion

The magical 16-piece card deck for daily impulses, intuitive messages and answering yes-no questions. Healing symbols on each card awaken your energy and self-healing powers. Includes video course on how to properly work with the cards for yourself and others. Sign up here to receive the Oracle of Intuition for free.

*100% free of charge

Valuable email course

5 Day Intuition Challenge

The challenge of your soul path

Receive 5 days of exciting and challenging tasks and impulses in your inbox to test your intuition. Can you really follow your heart? Find clarity about what you need in your life right now. And what your next important step is. Will you accept the challenge? Join for free.

*100% free of charge

Exclusive meditation

Divine manifestation

Your power tool for balance

Activate your intuitive master consciousness with this meditation. It is created by me for you as a gift to align your subconscious mind with abundance and reception and to bring you into your full creative power. Download your free meditation here and remember how powerful you are in truth.

*Coming soon

New videos from me

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*Authentically produced

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My personal programs

For your growth:

Online course

Spirit Mission